
Mineral resources of Panjsher province

Located 120 kilometres to the northeast of Kabul, Panjsher is a mountainous province alongside the Hindukush Mountainswith several sub valleys.

The province is located 22,117 metreshigh from sea level, with its highest peak is estimated at 6,000 metres.

There are many natural resources in Panjsher such as gems, metal, marbles and other materials used in construction.


The mines of emerald are located in different parts of Panjsher. There are six mines in Khinj locality of the Hesa-i-Awal district including, Dasht-i-Riot, Mikany, Darkhinj, Botak, Bazmal andBakhiwaDaroonwhile the best emeralds could be found in Mikany.

The emeralds are being extracted illegally by locals and the government could not launch exploration and extraction process officially.

Gems and plumbum:

According to provincial mining department, there is azure, ruby, tourmaline and plumbum mines, but their specifications and quantity amount will be determinedafter proper survey.


Based on survey conducted by mining department back in 2013, the gold mine was discovered in Paryan district. During the current year, some excavations would take place to determine the quality and quantity of gold there.


According to provincial mining department, the survey conducted in 2008 found metal mines in Shutul and Paryan districts.


Director provincial mining department said there were marble in 13 localities of six districts of Panjsher which would be extracted yet.

There are vast natural resources in Panjsher province, but official exploration and extraction could not take place yet.


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